Date | To | From | Flex/No Flex | Amount |
There are no leases for AY 2024-2025. |
Date | To | From | Type | Amount |
May 19, 2020 | OU2 Environmental Remediation Trust | EcoGas, Inc. | Annual Water Right | 7.97 |
April 07, 2022 | Omega OU2, LLC. | OU2 Environmental Remediation Trust | Annual Water Right | -7.97 |
May 19, 2020 | OU2 Environmental Remediation Trust | EcoGas, Inc. | One-Year Carryover | 20.00 |
May 19, 2020 | OU2 Environmental Remediation Trust | EcoGas, Inc. | Drought Carryover '91 | 11.57 |
May 19, 2020 | OU2 Environmental Remediation Trust | EcoGas, Inc. | Drought Carryover '77 | 1.38 |
Date | To | From | Type | Amount |
There is no storage as of AY 2024-2025. |
List of wells active in current Adminstrative Year
Recordation Number | Owner Number | WRD ID | Well Depth | AY Production |
This rights holder has not reported groundwater production for more than three years | Recordation Number | Owner Number | WRD ID | Well Depth | AY Production |
There are no leases for this FY. |
There are no leases for this FY. |
Type | Amount |
One-Year Carryover (OYC) | 20.00 |
Drought Carryover '91 | 11.57 |
Drought Carryover '77 | 1.38 |
Account | Amount |
Individual Storage Account Capacity | 0.00 |
Community Storage Account Capacity | 0.00 |
Total Put Into Storage | 0.00 |
Withdrawn From Storage | -0.00 |
Total Individual Storage | 0.00 |
Total Community Storage | 0.00 |
Total Storage | 0.00 |
There are no sales in this FY. |
Storage Accounts for OU2 Environmental Remediation Trust | Amount |
Individual Storage Account Capacity | 0.00 |
Community Storage Account Capacity | 0.00 |
Total Put Into Storage | 0.00 |
Withdrawn From Storage | -0.00 |
Total Individual Storage | 0.00 |
Total Community Storage | 1,234.00 |
Total Storage | 1,234.00 |
Production | Amount |
Total Production | 0.00 |
Storage Withdraws | -0.00 |
Net Production (Used to calculate next year's OYC) | 0.00 |